Monday, December 6, 2010

Comic #26 "Meeting at my basement"

Comic kind of related to the fact that i moved the blog to a new address.

New Home, new name, a logo the other shit is the same.

Hey guys, i've decided to change the name of my blog from "P1xlz" to "Knights of the Round Cable". While at it, i figured to change the blog adress too, since 100on100px kind of sucks. I also drew a logo. Took me 5 minutes, sorry :D

Have a nice Monday.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Comic #16

Comic #17

Comic #18

Comic #13

Comic #14

Comic #15

Comic #12

Comic #9

Comic #10

Comic #11

Comic #7

Comic #8

Comic #5

Comic #6

Comic #4

Comic #2

Comic #3

Blog Back Up, Comic #1

The blog is back up. Reposting all the comics.